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An intuitive solution for tracking, organizing, storing, and managing documents, tasks, and processes
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Content Control
Track changes to content properties
Each content has its own properties (e.g. title, subject, author, recipient, etc.) with customizable options that users can keep track of
Find specific content depending on given parameters
Determine who changed which property and when it was changed
Track changes to content properties
Keeps copies of previous versions of content files for easy backtracking
Group Control
Group users for a specific purpose (e.g. a group that can only view content, etc.)
Limit what users can or cannot do with content (e.g. view only, edit only, create and edit, etc.)
Change which user belongs to what group
Set which contents are accessible to certain groups
User Control
Provide access to users that will use the system
Block users from using the system
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Get in touch with us.
(+632) 352-7329