An intuitive solution for tracking, organizing, storing, and managing documents, tasks, and processes

Content Control

Track changes to content properties

  • Each content has its own properties (e.g. title, subject, author, recipient, etc.) with customizable options that users can keep track of
  • Find specific content depending on given parameters
  • Determine who changed which property and when it was changed

Track changes to content properties

  • Keeps copies of previous versions of content files for easy backtracking

Group Control

  • Group users for a specific purpose (e.g. a group that can only view content, etc.)
  • Limit what users can or cannot do with content (e.g. view only, edit only, create and edit, etc.)
  • Change which user belongs to what group
  • Set which contents are accessible to certain groups

User Control

  • Provide access to users that will use the system
  • Block users from using the system

Want to learn more about this product?
Get in touch with us.


(+632) 352-7329
